Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Here's to everything else

First off, the rumors of my demise have been rather exaggerated, but I don't think I can say the same about my readership, if I had any in the first place.
Been rather unwilling to blog, as the desire to whine about the quagmire I'm in is far too great. However, relax, I shall refrain from doing so in this entry.
Been reading my old entries in my blog, laughing at some and almost hemorrhaging at some. It's been a 180 degree change for me since then. Those far more carefree days where I only worried about homework. Yes, I feel considerably less stress now, but I also feel less drive as well. The desire to go out there to grab the day by the scruff of the neck and make it worthwhile getting out of bed is non-existent. Perhaps the only redeeming quality of my situation is the fact I get to pick the brains of professionals and actually learn something instead of just rotting my two years away.
A short update on my life. Still in that medical centre, but things are a changing, what with new management and new rules. I just hope some stuff remain status quo, while the not so pleasant stuff get consigned to the dustbin of lousy ideas. But it's a bit hard to expect much, we all know the speed of change, especially positive change, is slower than molasses on a cold day in the "Organisation". (I've taken to using such "terms" lest I incur the wrath of higher ranking people who I frankly don't give a damn about but have the unfortunate ability to punish me for my rather alternative views.)
It's been quite a year. Thinking back, I've grown up faster in this 1 year than my previous 18. That I give the "organisation" credit, but I doubt they went out of their way to do so. They dragged many in, some kicking and screaming, some with resignation, some all too eager. I think I fall under the 2nd catergory.
I think I've grown more selfish along the way. Let me rephrase that, I have become more protective of myself. I've come to realise you can friendly with someone, and that person maybe your friend, but you still have look out for yourself and not expect him to do so as he'll be doing that for himself as well. And even he does, He has his own interests at heart that's why he's doing so. Not precisely what we all want to hear, but it's saddeningly true. I've been played out by a few people before, but I've grown wiser now.
I'm rather lucky I can go home when I'm off duty. Singyong has just been packed off to thailand for a whooping 9 months. I can't just imagine myself eating, sleeping and breathing the "organisation" 24/7 for 9 months. They might as well lock me up in an asylum. At least if I had a crappy day, I can still go home and sleep on my own bed and relax away and not having to worry if a rat will come to nibble on my toes or if some guy who's not supposed to be in the medical centre will break into my locker and steal my wallet.
Slightly less than a year before I'll be released from my service. It is my utmost hope that the coming year will peter out with nary a significant incident, with no one from the organisation bothering me too much, and I'll spend my free time on my edification, so come 071106 I'll be ready for my next challenge.
And of course, here comes the inevitable resolution to blog more often as well. All those taking A/O levels, good luck!