Friday, November 09, 2007

Never let them see you bleed

It's 47 mins past midnight on a friday morning, my criminal law tutorial is by my side, half done, the readings for it I haven't read; other random stuff thrown around my room, a file here, a shirt there, Jay chou's new song "the longest movie" playing from my laptop, this is the scene for the night, another night where I can't articulate what I want to say. More likely, the feeling is so absurd that no words can describe it. And thus I'm here again, same scene, just that in a different country, with a tonne of work waiting for me but I decide to blog instead.
Can I still feel anymore, I wonder. It feels like I have locked up my heart and thrown away the key ages ago, so much so that the heart cannot feel anymore.
And I wonder if I oversimplify things. Sure it is way easier to deal with things when you can make them simpler, but that isn't the best way to approach things though.
But yeah, these issues, they are pointless to ponder for now. Things will fall into place, I believe that.
Besides, life is too exciting. Just came back from Brighton, where the seaside was marvellous. And with trips to nottingham, cambridge, glasgow and spain coming up, and a whole lot of other activities coming up, things will sure be looking up and up for me. So let's just set aside these worries that we can't deal with for now, and safeguard your own interests by being happy.
And of course, above all, never let them see you bleed.

Friday, November 02, 2007

He speaks the truth!

{ZY} says:
but yah i think to get attached now is the best timing
friend says:
{ZY} says:
ur still young enough to enjoy it
{ZY} says:
but yet mature enough to cherish it