Thursday, June 05, 2003

In the immortal words of Rattrap, It's always something.

Well, they say good things come in threes, well that could be the story of my day. Fortunately things went better for me as I changed my mentality about things. I am still seething about the campfire postponement, but have calmed down somewhat. Still, thinking of it makes my blood boil. And the other things, well let's just say there were no problems in the first place, I made it seem worse than it really was. Really acted like a guy with a major hangover today, fortunately I didn't lash out at anyone verbally, which I am prone to do so at times when I get frustrated.
Time really flies. Tommorrow is the last day of term 2. 5 months have just flown by. I look back and see nothing but a steep learning curve I had, learning to adapt to a new environment, adapt to new people, something I never got to grips with. I gained a lot out of these 5 months, learning, experiencing, growing as a person.
Still, like a certain incident that happened today in class, no one knows the true me. Maybe some of the Guys TM do, but not everyone does. Do I want to be as clear as a window pane? I have always been confused by this.
Found this damm good site that gives a clear explanations for Reloaded.
Free your mind.

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