Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Wake up. School. Mug. Sleep. Repeat till end of promos

Argh... I was never a sit down and absorb knowledge sort, so I am really struggling to revise. My attention span is very short, so I really have to force myself to study. So I would be cooped up in my room, with only 933 and my books for company.
Paying the price for not being very consistent throughout the year, but a good thing I cleared bio, so cleared most doubts. Still need to revise maths.
10 more days. Time is really really short now. Trying to make use of every minute I got.
Which begs the question, what am I doing here, blogging at 1230 am?
Hang in there guys and girls, we get through this and then we will have the A level's to look forward too, in 8 months time, or SAT in 2 months time for me.
Mug mug mug. Sheesh. We spend too much of lives trying to abosrb knowledge you are unlikely to use in daily life, or in your future profession.
I can draw a tangent to a curve! Wow! Neat! Wonderful! But how is it relevant in our life? Like I am going to find the tangent of a MRT track or the car's steering wheel.
Haha, I should stop ranting.
Mug hard guys, and don't forget, in the immortal words of kenneth "lampa" teo, to go and have some fun once in a while. Otherwise, you will and most definately go mad.

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