Friday, November 14, 2003

Everything and anything

Just a slight warning. Below is pure unadulterated crap. Read at your own risk.

Every once in a while, I feel like slamming some faceless organisation for their incompentence in certain areas. Today, I like to talk about Disney.
I'm sure Uncle Walt is now turning uneasily in his grave, as Disney is now floundering in the debt, with their amusement parks earning less and less, and the american dream it actively exported of never never land is crumbling thanks to bush. Recently, while channel surfing, I came across a Disney special proclaiming to the world that the lion king special edition dvd is being released, with digital remastering and new versions of the songs. Which made me wonder, why all the effort for a dvd? Then it hit me. The lion king was the last disney movie to actually make a profit. The later movies like atlantis, treasure planet and the assorted sugary stuff they came up with failed. Even with a change in direction, with more dark and intense tones in their movies failed to right the sinking ship eg. Titan A.E.
Well, I guess disney had it coming, it failed to see the change in consumer tastes, but they have started to wise up and change marketing strategies, the linking up pixar was a very good idea, finding nemo won over some detractors, and by releasing its characters for squaresoft to do kingdom hearts with was a great idea, even if it meant that mickey mouse was the final boss (horror of horrors. a final boss who is not even scary.)
They may be hope for disney yet.
On a seperate note, metro was fun, albeit to a lesser extent this time, cos the number of people were pathetically little. Sold very few bears, and the interesting part was I had to babysit a toddler, who ran all over the store while the mother filled up the contest form. She lend me across the lingerie section, and all the while i was trying to coax her back to her mom with the bear.
Next 2 days are dedicated to scouts, so I guess sleep is in order. Shall talk about my trip to ubin on sun when it passes.

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