Sunday, May 09, 2004


There can really be no words to describe the absolute emotional intensity of this book, less fun than Eagle Strike, 100% the best book in the series. And the ending really blew me away. Although a bit cliched, but horowitz's writing ability more than makes up for it. Normally I would scoff at the star wars-esque plot twist but horowitz's wizardry makes it all believable and real. Gripping, absolute page turner stuff. All I can say is that everyone who lieks the notion of a teenage 007 with a very mature twist, go read the alex rider series. For those who hope they can escape the drudgery of being a student and be a jet setting spy, this series will make you change your mind.
Nothing like a very very VERY good book to take your mind off things for a while. Like the impending 3 tests in 3 days. Like the rather staid ORA. Like reading drab economic text. For 3 hours, I was transported to a world of alex rider, to a world I would never envy him for having it. Great writing does things to people. At this moment I am truly still reeling from the explosive ending.

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