Sunday, June 10, 2007

Auspicium Melioris Aevi, damn it

Shall just get the chronicling out of the way. Mon was the monthly office meeting, got very tongue tied, didn't really know what to say, and after that found out some weird stuff that perhaps I didn't want to know. Wed was the relief teacher's dinner, we braved the horrible singer in glass house and the lousy service to have a nice meal together, but due to our indecision and the service we had our meal 1 hour 15 mins after we met initially.
Played mahjong with nick mew and don at nick's place on thurs, was very fun despite not completing a full game again. Friday went out with my mum and siblings, sat rollerbladed with the fencers, YQ fell many a time, felt quite sorry for him. He was cursing all the way and ended up being on the floor more than doing any skating. Mahjong again back at adrian's place, with weird games like one where due to the other players having lesser or more tiles or not having enough points to win, played defensive against me, the only guy who could win, and another round there were 2 false wins. Hilarious.
Was talking to a junior about army life as he was posted to airforce, we started to talk about ORD when I remembered my ORD counter. That South Park character, which would count down to my ORD, could even calculate using workdays or absolute number of days, subtract leave or off as well. I remember reading the programmers notes that the programme was "dedicated to those who spend 2 years of their lives serving the nation."
Tomorrow is a run of 3 days of yet another intensive programme. Again am having a bit of pre session thoughts. It's so hard to psyche oneself up to think about it at times, as frankly I'm afraid that the students don't respond to me. But I get into the swing of things fast enough. Let's hope tomorrow's bunch of students would be as interesting as the last batch I took.
It's 3 months to my inevitable departure. I'm now starting to fret about the preparations and feel, well, horribly unprepared, very deer in the headlights. Here's a shoutout to anyone who's going to King's College London this year, leave a tag on the tagboard and let's be friends, since we're going to be schoolmates eventually!
Leaving is scary yet exciting, for obvious reasons.
But before I leave for my next phase in my life, I want a family photo to take with me there.

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