Thursday, May 29, 2003


I think I am scizo. The online me is totally different from my real life persona...While blogging I just blurt everything out, my frustrations, thoughts, feelings, things I normally keep bottled in me in school. I see things that bother me, hear things that are unsavoury, feel things that revolt me, but sometimes I just know even though how painfully obvious somethings are, I just refuse to say it out loud lest I offend someone.
Sighz, my self-restraint is off these few days. I know there is a certain amount of tact needed to deal with people, and sometimes I get too friendly with them that I forget sometiems people do still get offended. I must exercise more self-restraint. All to those who were offended, I apologise but the reason why I made those callous remarks is because I knew you guys well. Take for example murugan, I call him "stupid indian" all the time and use all the insults that were ever thrown at dark-skinned people on him. But it is always in the name of fun and I never mean any harm.
Yeah, I know I come across as aloof at times, just that sometimes I tend to go overboard at times, but I never mean it. It I really meant it, I would make absolutely certain you got the idea.

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