Saturday, May 31, 2003

"Where was the miracle you promised me?"

Ultimately, the reality was that we lost.
It doesn't matter that it was the closest we ever came to beating them in 5 years.
It doesn't matter that we cheered our hearts out.
It doesn't matter that we were camped near their line for 30 mins.
It doesn't matter that their supporters were jeering at us.
It doesn't matter that they used time-wasting tactics.
We lost.
Bravely yes, but we lost.
The saddest thing of life is that no one remembers the other finalist.
But nevertheless, I salute the team.
They gave it their all, and we do not blame them one bit.
They fought like hell, tried their best.
I came that day looking for a miracle.
They made me realise, that a miracle is not something that one hopes for. Instead miracles are created by man, and those who believe in miracles happening, are those too weak to create their own.
At the end of the day, we lost.
Yes, we did lose.
But only academically, not spiritually.
To sum it all up, I can only say this.
"Raffles didn't lose, they just ran out of time."

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