Sunday, May 08, 2005

I choose my own path

It's been some time, things haven't changed much. I'm still on course, another 2 and a half more weeks to go, but at least I should be posted to somewhere fine. More details once it becomes concrete, don't want to jinx it by trumpeting it out to the whole digital world.
One issue has been bugging me constantly. After bouts of self introspection, I have come to realise that my social circle has always revolved around what I like to term, circumstancial friends, meaning friends that one did not go out of the way to meet, normally people like your classmates, cca mates etc. I don't really wake up one morning and say to myself, "today I shall go up to a total stranger and make friends with him/her" (more likely to be her haha) But yeah maybe because to me I have the view that everything one does needs to have a convincing reason to do it, and I can't really see the purpose of approaching and disturbing total strangers.
Anyway, my point is that I'm afraid that I won't be able to meet enough people to find the one who is my supposed soulmate out there. It's not in my character to go to a club and try to pick up girls, and I don't really like girls that club anyway. (that's another issue for another time) I can't really make good circumstancial female friends now because, well, frankly the army has a deficeit of females. I guess it'll be even worse once I go out to work, as they say going after a colleague is just asking for trouble.
Sometimes, in the dead of the night in my bunk where everyone else is asleep but me, i just stare at the ceiling fan and let this sense of lonliness come over me. I understand the concept of "Alone in a crowd" far too well. I look at my bunkmates chalking up insane phone bills talking to their girlfriends on the phone till 1 am and I feel a tinge of envy. Not that I'm in a hurry to be attached, it's more like I just want someone to share my thoughts, the events of today, my fears and feelings with. I know I should just keep a stiff upper lip and soldier on, but sometimes there are things I just to talk to someone about. But I hardly ever call anyone, not wanting to impose on them my own problems and worries, for it is certain they have their own as well. It is just too selfish of me to do so.
Another thing I come to learn is, if you like a person so much, you know she's the most perfect girl you ever met, and all you want to do is to protect her, comfort her, and be by her side whenever she wavers. I'll glady be the one holding the umbrella for her when it rains, the one that ties her shoelaces when they come undone, the one who'll lend a shoulder when she cries and then wipe the tears away with tissue paper. Crazily enough I don't need anything in return from her. Just being by her side and supporting her would be fine.
If however, she and I are not met to be, I think it is very hard for me to get over it, as I know I'll never find another person like her, ever again. I'll end up always loving her for the rest of my life, in one corner of my heart. Memories buried, but always ready to be dredged up at the slightest hint of remembrance. The perfect girl, but we were not meant to be...

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