Tuesday, June 06, 2006


2 days into a very trying week and already I feel like calling for a time out. Office politicking is getting worse thanks to my new arrow. Don't really want to comment too much here online, but I'll deal with it. Somehow. And eventually.
Is work supposed to be so hard? Would you really have no chance to love what you do? It seems that the regulars I see in my medical centre don't really seem to love their job much. Whatever the reasons they may have for signing on, I really wonder if you have no passion for your job, how are you going to convince yourself to wake up in the morning each day to go to work?
If the next person that tells me that NS is like the outside working life I seriously don't know whether I want to believe him/her or not. Truth be told, I'm scared it'll be true. Then work would be no different from doing NS all over again. Then I might as well sign on. Right I'm sure.
I don't want this entry to degenerate into a whine fest.I think in the end someone will just tell me to shove it and quit whining and get the job done.
Truth is, there are days I get so tired of the politicking that I just want to avoid it all. But running away never solved any problems.
Anyway, hopefully when I come back here to blog again there'll be happier stuff to talk about. Being depressed is also never a good thing as well. Every experience is a learning experience, and more importantly, everyday is a day closer to ORD! :)

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