Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Happy new year to all of you reading this. In the spirit of the new year, I just changed my computer from that old and cranky one to a new but still rather low end one. Well it works so I ain't complaining much. Also new is the blog template, as I think I got rather bored with the green template.
The days that led to the end of 2006 was fun, dinner with the guys on the 31st was nice, had a very interesting outing on the 29th night, otherwise it was just being stuck at home sleeping the late nights off, reading, helping my mum out, having hearty family meals, completing FFXII finally, fixing the new computer, going for training sessions for my assignments that are starting soon, cleaning up my room, watching Man Utd play stylishly and win, you get the idea.
I don't really have any new year resolutions, as I only had one last year and yet I couldn't even fufil it, which was to exercise more.. In any case, I think I should just live by this mantra, which is not to regret.
Looking forward to a great year.

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