Saturday, October 13, 2007


I know I'm supposed to be blogging about my life in London as promised, but I came across something I decided to comment upon.
Did some blog surfing via Ao's blog, and read the stressed teacher blog as a result. He basically comments about his life as a teacher, and lists a multitude of problems he encounters. At times I agree with his reasoning, but at times I don't. But I do know that the situation in singapore schools ain't great. This perception was cemented when I worked for HA in the past.
I just wanted to say this. Call me naive or what, but one of my plans I have for my life would be, after earning enough as a lawyer, I would quit, and join the education service.
I would put my students first, and help them achieve their potential. I won't subscribe to mollycoodling, easy way outs or show indifference to them. But I won't hesitate to show them the error of their ways in the worst possible way, telling them to wake up their idea rudely, whatever it takes.
Call me naive, or someone who has been watching too much GTO, but this idea just has my name stamped on it. It is a decision that is uninformed, hasty, filled with idealism and stubbornness.
But if it comes to pass, woe betide those who stand in my way.

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