Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Maths Paper 1

For those who want to analyse what may come out for the pure maths section for paper 2, here's a list thanks to nicholas tsao, who incidentally has his birthday haha...

Question Analysis for Maths Paper 1

1. small angle approximation, estimate root of equation
2. general solution question- sinx
3. Parallelogram deduction followed by deduction of rhombus/ rectangle (not sure)
4. integration by substitution
5. discriminant, inequality
6. linear interpolation, proving a root exists within a range
7. mathematical induction, deduction of integration using proven equation
8. 3d- trigonometry
9. AP-GP, to find number of odd numbers below 1000, and not divisible by 5
10. Functions and applications of integration- area under curve
11. binomial theorem and series
12. complex number- simple expansion and argument calculation
13. partial fractions and integration using result of partial fractions
14. applications of differentiation- stationary points
15. ODE- everything
16. Vectors

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