Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Selective denial of reality

Well, how's it going for you?
Papers come, papers go. The cycle of anxiety, thinking, relief that it is over before finally that sinking feeling you get when you overhear that your answer deviates from everyone, or you whack your forehead and go "why didn't i think of that?"
Oh well, that's that.
Only 20 more days to go, not that I'm counting. Am just too tired and bored to ponder about life. At least during the O's I was still watching kiddy grade ( I STILL don't know how it ended!) and had something to look forward to.
Err, this time it's ren wo ao you, singapore idol somewhat, (I just like to listen to my mum being an armchair or bedside critic) OC for my weekly dose of american decadent lifestyle goodness. Gave up on football as it gives me more pain than pleasure nowadays.
Oh and John Rogers is writing the script for the Transformers movie. For your info, he wrote the catwoman script. Just hope that was a slight blimp.
Ran out of stuff to say.

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