Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Washed out

Can someone tell me how is it scientifically possible for it to rain 1 whole day? And at the intensity it had been for the whole day. Good thing I didn't plan on going out today, or I'll either be totally drenched or stuck in a horrible traffic jam due to flooded roads or fallen trees or traffic accidents.
My first post since I moved to my new house. Still some running repairs required, like patching my leaking roof. Have been sleeping on a mattress for the past week, as my new bed only came today. Loads of things not up yet, like the overhead projector, computer network system etc. Still life goes on.
Still being a handyman about the house, albeit more for myself. Cleaned and repacked my bookshelves, organised my wardrobe, koped the old desk and standing fan for my writing corner, plus the old hi fi to make a nice room for myself. Well, it's the first time in my 20 years i got my own room, so it's something new to me. Previously was sharing a room with 2 of my brothers.
Less than a week to Christmas. Don't really feel it this time around, must be the craziness of moving made me forget about it until it slowly creeped up on me this year. Not that I have any presents to look forward to.
It seems that the rain stopped, for now at least. After the lung bursting pace life was over the last few days, I had some respite in the form of the rain soaked today. And I just spoke too soon. The rain started again.

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