Thursday, January 22, 2004

Happy manjan new year!

Seems like everyone is blogging today so I have to as well I guess.
Went visiting, complete without my nokia headset, and with a box file of my notes. At the end of the day, I only got through a few pages of firm objectives, a bowl of leftover buddha's jumps over the wall, 3 slices of bak kwa, 1 bowl of tong shui, 2 cups of longan drink, at least 30 assorted nut goodies, 4-5 glasses of water and 1 plate of yusheng. And add a lunch of nasi pandang to that and you have my menu for today.
Some stuff i want to point out:
1) relatives love to warn me about army
2) they didn't show a jackie chan movie this CNY
3) we started visiting damm late this year (1130 to 1830)
4) relatives love to point out bert is taller than me (lies, all of them!)
Yah, happy manjan new year guys. Tommorrow is work day, so I have to sleep early to pia work tmr.
And finally, the albatross is gone.

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