Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lazy Weekends

Next month will be a crazy month for me. I foresee working 6 and a half days a week, plus the resumption of my classes in the evenings. Will be doing relief teaching in my alma mater, plus various assignments and tuition on sundays. All in an effort to finance my jetsetting ambitions.
This weekend is probably my last restful weekend for sometime. I was supposed to revise my Japanese, but didn't even go close to doing that. One good thing is that I managed to settle many of the "5 cent 10 cent" things which have been bugging me the last few weeks. Finally overcame my inertia to get them done, pushed by the fact I probably have no time to do so for the next month.
Just spent the weekend lazing away. I think 1 of the greatest pleasure in life is just to be half-asleep and half-awake while the radio plays nice soothing songs. And this is such a simple pleasure.
Spent some time to visit my grandmother who hasn't been feeling very well. Watched a bit of hong kong drama with my sis and commented on how diabolical the villain was. My family of six had a great dinner, bantering with each other.
While writing this entry, I stopped at this point for about a good 20 minutes. I simply couldn't find the words to describe this simple kind of happiness I like. It's just that feeling you get when you're with people whom you care about. I want my future to be filled with that feeling forever. It won't be easy, but it's these moments of simple happiness that make me remember that life is a not a rush to the destination, rather it is a nature trail, allowing you to take in the sights and sounds.

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