Monday, October 13, 2003

Weight of expectation

I really wish there was never such a thing called exams. I am living a life devoid of all excitement.
Seeing file after file, TYS after TYS stacked up on my desk, the rockman exe episodes watched instead of studying, the feeling of hunger I always get at 12 am, which signals me to go get some food, the radio that kept me company for hours and hours into the dark of the night, the beer mug of a cup that I drink water from, the stress-induced stomachache I got from the mock maths paper which I got a pathetic 60 for, the scolding I got from my parent and grandparents for getting so stressed out and get that stomachache, the sheerness of the task of cramming all we were taught in 1 year in a few weeks.
And still the nightmare goes on.
But like all nightmares, you wake up from them.
Let's hope when I do wake up, it will be a much better existence than now.

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