Sunday, July 18, 2004

Boat reach bridge auto straight
Someone taught me that. It may be some crude translation, but the way the person said it will be the reason why I remember it.
Went for brendan's (my 2nd youngest brother) band concert. It was nice as usual, in the end the pieces made me accept that 10 bucks was a good value for it. And somehow I predicted they would play the spider-man theme. No wonder he was so nonchalant when I played buble's version.
Also, something I noticed. Normally, ri events would have more guys than girls, but sitting early in the third row from the front (thanks to my kiasu parents and grandparents. "Must get good seat so we can see your brother!"), I can't noticing that the ratio is equalled out. To say anymore would incriminate me.
After talking to edwin, I guess I know too little.
Last thought for the day. "Caught the Summer-flu? Need some Anna-biotics?" Man what would I give to have his problems.

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