Thursday, October 21, 2004

Maybe it's the champagne talking, but I'll still say it.

Oh man, bio prac is macham. Lilian wong invilgilated my prac. Plus the fact we were counting grains of rice on this lousy sheet of graph paper it felt like RI all over again. The second question was the worst of all, with powerful mark allocationa like 9 freaking marks, plus the controvesy over the axis for the graph. And kidneys are the worst thing to draw. Add the fact I almost had a heart attack when I saw that I had left the report form empty, it was a harrowing prac for me. Don't know whether I expressed what I tried to say properly or not. And I flouted the rule about not using correction fluid.
And to round off the machamness, a bird shit fell into my claypot chicken during lunch. For all the 4D enthusiats, buy 0224, my index number.
Had a comforting rest of the day chatting, playing games, watching OC, snippets of champion and singapore idol. Watching the champion reminds me of the times when I actually enjoyed swimming competively. Still have those medals from cat high times to remind myself of them. Oh well, can't do that anymore, I think my speed is quite hopeless now.
He catches her at the security gate and tells her he knows she loves him and he never meant to hurt her. Anna says she does love him, as a friend, but she knows they don’t have any chemistry. He doesn’t want her to go, but she tearfully tells him she has to, she couldn’t make Newport a home. Then she says maybe one day they’ll be perfect for each other. She hugs him goodbye and walks through security. Seth wants to know what he’ll do without her. Who will play Jenga with him? What will he do without her sage wisdom? A tearful Anna says, “Confidence, Cohen.” As she walks down the terminal Seth bangs on the plastic partition, yelling her name. She turns around, her cheeks wet, her gaze pained. Neither speaks. She simply gives him a small tearful smile and leaves.
And she's gone.
"I'm leaving because I have to."

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