Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Reap what you sow

Well well, the asphalt sure smells good, as I have my nose firmly placed against it for a rather long time. D for chem, kinda expected as papers 1 2 & 3 were disatrous, maths B, which sucks as everyone and his or her mother got an A and I should have joined their ranks if not for horrendous careless mistakes that made me feel sick to the core when I saw them. Econs, I need 13 marks from DRQ to scrape a B, and I'm still feeling sore over the essays. Bio is neither here bad nor good yet, as we haven't got the full paper back yet, but not really keeping my fingers crossed for it. Only silver lining is an A2 for GP, but it says a lot if I do the best for a subject which requires no studying.
Guess the time for the wishy washy studying is over. Time to knuckle down and study hard. It starts on the 21st of october and ends on the 30th of november, and I swear I'm going to do it right for this last time.

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