Saturday, May 26, 2007


Spent the evening playing pool with my brother, who said he wanted to spend some time with me. More like his friends pang seh-ed him and asked me to be his opponent to be trashed cum banker.
But still, it was fun. Haven't spent time with him like that for quite some time. I lost horribly at pool, as I suck at the game.
In between, we talked about stuff, like he would tell me about life in his JC, school work, fashion (!) and other interesting stuff. As I spoke to him, I sensed a maturity of thought, which I was very comforted by. This was the same brother a year ago was totally addicted to DOTA, but now is more interested in other stuff, and even sheepishly told me just now that he regrets the time spent playing computer games and should have used the time to do other stuff.
Spending some time with my brother felt very good, despite having to pay for him. Won't get many chances to do so when I'm in UK, so will cherish the times we share together. Even if it just a simple pool game, family is something we tend to overlook, thinking that they'll always be there, but we should still remember to take some time to be thankful for their presence in our lives and spend a little time with them.

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