Thursday, May 24, 2007


When I go to London, I've decided, I shall work as a match steward at a stadium, but not 2 certain stadiums. Up to you to guess which one.
Anyway, when I told nick about it, he reminded me that I was supposed to be the translator for Dong Fangzhou. Slowly la, first as a match steward, then they'll realise I'm Chinese with passable Mandarin so I shall be the translator for the influx of Chinese players. Maybe can go to the Valley to translate for Zheng Zhi, but Charlton is relegated already, no big bucks there. Anyway, then from translator, will progress up the ladder to become the first Singaporean football manager to manage an English club so I can spout cliches like "The ball is round." and "At the end of the day..", complain about referees, get into slagging matches with other managers, shout at players, lie through your teeth to the press and moaning to the whole world why your best players are always injured, your other players are crap, your board always never give you money to spend, referees are biased against your team, other players are divers, why the sky so blue or the grass so green etc. you get the idea.
Yet another frivolous post. Been a few of those these few days.

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