Saturday, May 12, 2007

Faraway Sojourns

I have been away, literally and physically, for a while. Somehow that reluctance to chronicle my life came about again, hence the lack of any entry for 2 weeks. Also, I have been physically away from my home, exchanging one island for another in the form of Hong Kong. There seems to be much to talk about.
Hong Kong was fun, as the company I went with, save for 2 good friends, I don't know them in great depth. Although I can't say we got to know each other better as a result of that short trip together, their idiosyncracies made the trip memorable for many reasons. We spent most of the time touring the commercial and retail heaven that is Hong Kong, but yielded only frustration as there seemed to be a lack of attractive items to blow our hard earned cash on. Still, we amused ourselves by indulging in desserts at the oddest of times, bantering with each other, braving the slight drizzle and smoggy air as we trooped along. Holidaying in Hong Kong requires great stamina, as we stayed up till 2 am every night.
Things that amused me were incidents when 1 of the guys insisted that we had 5 Aces while playing a card game, the same guy taking a photo with an air stewardess on another person's phone and spent the whole trip begging for it, camera shyness on a girl's part, having weak knees at the sight of the Ocean Park "Tiao Luo Ji" (Suicide machine, for the literal translation), the nice city skyline scenery at night seen in many a TVB drama.
It was a nice trip, am now raring to go for another one.

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