Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Rebels, Jocks, Cowards

Nothing much to report actually, my life is not as exciting as alvin...only thing interesting was the fact that the below actually happened during Raffles Camp Briefing.

J1: What do we need the groundsheet for?
J2: To sleep on.
J1: In that case, can we bring sleeping bags? (They are 2 different things you know...)

J1: Are you saying we need 5 sets of RJC shirts and pants?
J2: Yes. You'll use throughout the 2 years in RJ. (Really?)

J1: I think it is a waste of money to spend $5 on a poncho and groundsheet. (huh? And you can spend on $5 on Starbucks?)

J2: Go Army market and buy if you do not have any of the items. (Have fun. Seriously)

J2: A lot of questions that should not be asked are being asked. (You said it man.)

I am looking forward to the camp.

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