Sunday, February 01, 2004

Have a laugh

Go 2 great sites for you to visit to destress.
Like the site says, find out more about the man, the myth and the dancing legend, william hung aka hong kong ricky martin. Hey, at least he is gracious in the face of insults and had the courage to perform. On another note, what's the world coming to, where all one needs to do to become famous is sing very badly and flatly and dance like a robot with rubber legs?
I love this forum. It has everything, arrogant elitists from RJC (or so he claims), indigant people from neighbourhood schools, and plus all the stupid comments by both sides. I recommend taking a chair and guffaw with great amusement as you read the thread.
I quote, "Go listen to some metal and smoke some pot with your low life friends instead of beating yourself up over your misguided life."
There are many more gems in there, look out for them.

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