Friday, April 30, 2004

Inversely proportional

My nose is leaking like a tap. Took some piriton, the effects are kicking in so I shall leave soon. Talk by chilean president ricardo lagos was good, although his thick accent and me nodding off restricted the amount I absorbed. Lost the chance to ask his opinion on the econs s question. Went home after school immediately, and freshened up for the talk. After the talk, crys kp zhongwei and i meandered our way back to school, where zw and I bought snacks, ate dinner, set up the hall, all the while arguing and me being left speechless by zw's anti-social topics. Slowly, the people trickled in, and i noticed that the couples tend to spread themselves out from the main cluster near the centre, much like a nucleated settlement pattern. Halfway through the move had a crisis, the auntie wanted to close the hall, in the end pam mediated the situation as usual. My admiration for her grows everyday, someone who is really worthy of anyone's respect and a real example for anyone. No more incidents after that, a bout of cleaning up after that and I was back on trail home, sweat drenched long sleeved shirt and leather shoes hurting my toes in tow.
Next week will be damm exciting, many class quizs, plus econs s essay and bio group work, here's to another week of good, hard, honest work.

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