Sunday, August 22, 2004

Woman In Red

Can't believe I forgot to comment on all these stuff on my mind...
The Life section today was a bit chilling to me. I hope I don't end up that way. Imagine living your whole life, not now per se when one should be studying, alone. Sure you get to be independent your not bogged down by another person, but I think deep down as homo saipiens we're social creatures and we would like to have some sort of company. I could go on an Evangelion-inspired rant now but it's been there done that for me so I shall pass. Let's hope when the time is right she enters my life. Like a saccarhine sweet romantic comedy, those types where you can diabetes just by watching.
Oh and today channel i showed a nice episode of power rangers. Yes those colour coded high kicking do gooders from an embarassing part of my childhood. Anyway, in the episode i watched they assembled all the 10 red rangers there ever was and got them to gather to fight a greater evil yadda yadda. So it was just another half hour wasted watching over elaborate henshin (morphing) sequences, scratching my head over obvious loopholes (they were fighting on the moon surface without space suits... didn't know that the moon had oxygen), but somehow it was just a throwback to primary school days where aaron foo would do his stupid dragonzord impersonation and everyone would try to play the dragonzord theme on the recorder. Ahh memories. Watching the show made me realise how much it insulted my intelligience. Why do the baddies always shoot at their feet only? Why don't the rangers ummon their machines immediately to squash the monster? Why isn't there any mention of collateral damage? The list goes on... Oh well, it's a children show, all laws of physics and common sense go out the very large window. In any case, I did recognise some of the older series rangers (shamefully), and yeah strangely enough, I think I enjoyed the series. Maybe their black-or-white non-ambivalent characters made me live a lie until shinji ikari came along to wake me up. Ahh who cares, no use psychoanalysing power rangers. Hey I still do get a kick out of watching them do their super power calling out, machines merging to forma super robot, more robots merging to form a more powerful robot, and the proverbial I'll-never-up attitude in the face of laughable evil.
This is my 300th post on blogspot! Wow! Pop the champagne! But if you somehow access my archives and count the entries, there are only 299 published entries! Anyway, no need to try as I never link my archives haha... Boy do I have something to hide...
(this paragraph just screams "attention seeker who wants to be asked what it is.." but I assure you it's not...)
Well, so long, and watch out for the woman in red...

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