Monday, July 16, 2007

Street Side Symphony

It's been a heady few days, so much so I haven't found any motivation to blog. And since it'll only get worse from now, might as well take stock of what has happened over the last few days.
Went Vivo with Nick and Jim where Jim made use of his birthday vouchers to drag me out. He also bought about 150 bucks worth of clothes without even batting an eyelid. He went to Zara and spied a $50 T-shirt, tried it on once, and then bought it, all under 10 minutes.
Sat facing the sea outside Vivo, looking at the construction site of the Sentosa IR. I took a photo with my phone of the site, with the intention of coming back in June next year to see what has changed.
While we sat there, a bunch of graduates in their gowns posed for pictures with the sea as a backdrop. I felt that that was quite poignant, seeing as they were at the end of their academic journey, while we're just going to restart it.
Had dinner with a ex schoolmate who passed me and BK her law notes. Read BK's notes which he koped from a senior and understood nothing. Oh well..
My friend had free tickets for Harry Potter, so I went along with her friend to watch it. Then about 1 hour before the movie, she told she had extra free tickets, so I called every one of the guys, but NONE of them could make it. In the end 3 tickets were wasted. As it was part of an event to promote Shaw Tower (the company that owns the place was the one who organised the movie screening), there was a structure with black cloth over it which served as a reception of sorts. There was free food, but wasn't really hungry and was busy calling the guys. There, to go along with the theme of magic, there were a few amateur magicians performing tricks, and one of them at the behest of my friend did tricks on me. However, let's just say his tricks were so obvious that he makes Fabian and Adrian look good.
The movie was ok, but wouldn't justify a $9.50 price tag if I had paid that much. Well, one can't argue too much since it was free.
Just to end off, penning down what you feel with a silver pen on black paper is fine, but I think I have tired of all this, let me find my own way.

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