Sunday, May 04, 2003

Another piece of introspection...

Sometimes, in life, you get second chances to make things right, to take this second opportunity to make up for what you missed the last time around.
However, with people, there are no second chances. No matter how politely the person says i forgive you, in his or her heart you have left an indeminable mark on the person. No amount of second chances will help.
And it is not like a sport season, where one can say we will win if we train harder for next year. There is no next year, you blow it, you blow it for life.
And just sometimes, you really want to sound out the person, say sorry, and ask if we could just be friends all over again. If anyone were to harbour this hope, i would find that person rather foolish.
Sometiems I feel like doing something, anything and possibly improve the situation, but deep inside i know it would be futile.
Like my mum said, if you can't improve the situation by talking about the problem, then don't. Eventually the problem or you will die away, whichever comes first.
I always believed to tackle problems head on, but after this experience, i know otherwise.

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