Saturday, May 03, 2003


Sighz, went for the Raffles Camp today...
The main event of the day was not me pulling my right hamstring when i tried to do a lay-up. Neither is the blinder i played against good opposition in basketball today. Neither was the ice-breaking games.
It was a simple question, a simple sentence, that brought forth the bottled frustration and emotions hidden deep inside me, the sheer helplessness on my part, and the constant knowing that there is no way to change things to back to what they were before.
Sometimes a simple sorry will not do, a simple clear-the-air session will make no effect, a simple letter will mean absolutley nothing. Words do not adequately explain my position.
I thank the person for wanting to help me, but i feel the rifts are too deep, the misunderstandings too messed up, the situation too complicated to change for the better. It is better to move on, to leave this bad memory behind and learn from it, learn never to let ur heart rule your head, never assume things, never do stupid things.
No amount of talking will change anything. That is a fact of life i will have to accept and move on. And move on I shall, for i do not deserve a second chance to screw up.

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