Sunday, August 17, 2003

At the threshold of an era

Haha. Just to inform you I was merely musing when I penned the last 2 entries...must be my mood swings or tiredness.
I guess everything to going fine now, I am in O-Team, something I wanted to do, and slowly but steadily my studies are getting back to shape, and my project work is really a joy to do, finally Man Utd have a great team and it is an absolute joy to watch them play.
I am contended.
But I know, the road ahead is not easy. I shall face every difficulty with courage, and take them on and overcome them.
I can liken any experience to a hike, when you are in the middle of a hike, you feel lousy, but when you finally complete it, you take away a lot and feel like you have grown as a person.
The most important thing is that I am doing what I want to do.
Not doing it because someone else wants me to do it.
I have chosen my own path.
Now let me walk it.

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