Monday, August 25, 2003

Hearing voices in my head

For some reason, I decided to sit down and watch What Women What with my mother, instead of hitting the bio notes...
Erm, all I can say it really wasn't a family movie, with many sexual innuendoes, which didn't make for a good family movie.
In any case, somehow after movie I want to be struck by lightning and be able to read womens' (girls') minds...
Seriously they are quite hard to fanthom, and i think I could use all the help I can get.
But then, you become a person who is more or less like a doormat, aiming to please everyone else.
I don't want to be like that. I want to be my own person.
But then, I must admit it is very useful to know what is in their minds so I can choose the correct things to say.
That would make life much easier.
I think.

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