Thursday, August 21, 2003

Emotional inertia

I feel slightly sick now, what with my siblings down with flu, home is like TTSH now. Just have to watch out for germs...
Still struggling to come to terms with my studies, good thing I have very supportive tutors like ms Lui who stayed back to help hopeless students like me...
Still trying to squeeze some time out to read a book, any book.
Still wondering if Optimus Prime will die in issue #6 of War And Peace.
Still.....haha you thought this was some introspective entry right?
By right, I have no right to complain.
Things are going for me now.
So i shall just give a short summary of what has been going on.
Been studying very hard, by my standards....
Been hurting myself again, pulling my calf on weds and getting stabbed by yangqi...
Nothing else worth mentioning...
Not really.
Things will really heat up after promos.
But first must do well for that.
Then the fun starts.
Live like the rays.

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