Sunday, July 27, 2003

The slience

People leave everyday.
Some leave the mortal realm, others leave your life, others just simply leave, with no apparent reason at all.
I have learnt to accept that leaving and parting is inevitable, and all one can say is "Goodbye".
No "Please stay"s.
It will be extremely selfish of us to make a person not leave your life because of you.
All of us will part some time or another.
We may be friends now, fellow travellers along the same road, but once the road splits some will go the other way, others will follow you till the next fork in the road.
Somehow, with people I know leaving, I can't seem to feel sad for them. And rightly so. They are going forth to a new chapter of their life, a chance to excel overseas, an opportunity that I wish I had as well.
That's why do not be sad because they have left us for America, Uk or wherever.
Take joy in the fact that they are doing what they want.
Would I have the courage to just give up everything like that?
Yes and no. Yes because it is my wish, no because of my safety net of an established life here.
I'll figure that out when it reaches my turn, hopefully.

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