Monday, June 09, 2003

The truth is, that the path of the One is made by the many.

When was the last time I blogged? Just 4 days and so much has happened...
Friday was the last day of school, and as usual I slacked through it. Somehow my drive for doing work decreases as the term ends, but then I was never that hardworkign anyway...After floorball for PE went to watch Finding Nemo with 3 other ppl from the class. The movie was great, filled with insider jokes and endearing characters. For once Disney impressed me, but the animation done by Pixar was astounding, the water was so fluid and real. However my favourite animation studio is still Mainframe, for the simple reason they did Beast Wars.
After the movie, some of the class came to the pool under my house to eat. Talked cock with boon kwan and yangqi for a while then went upstairs to do proposals for AC.
Saturday, went for training, then for meeting in RI. Discussed AC plans, and felt that despite the inflexible rulings of the school admin, we can make it a success. Went home, then had to leave for my cousin's wedding. It was strangely, one of the more quiet weddings I have ever attended. No emcee talking, most of the time we were just eating. The cake was also made of plastic.
Sunday, supposed to study econs, instead slacked most of the day. Eventually got down to studying, but only completed less than half of econs.
Monday, now worrying about outlook, Campfire proposals, my inability to study econs...
On the bright side, I finally got the game version of Suteki Da Ne, sounds much better than the original.
And yes, to a good friend, like at the end of FFX, it was all a dream on one person's part. For all those who watched the ending, you would know how heart-wrenching the scene was. To this good friend, I cannot offer any words of comfort, neither can I say "Forget it". I do not have the right to do so. All I can say is that I, as the capacity of a good friend, will be there for you.
Most importantly, memories never die.

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